
Unexpected Rescue

The Scourge was harrying Tyrande and the small number of Sentinels who had jumped into the river after their mistress. Although the fight seemed hopeless, the women built a small camp and stood their ground. When Illidan and a group of naga appeared, Tyrande at first thought warhammer power leveling that he had come to kill her. What else, after all, could she expect of a demon?
Instead, Illidan and his warriors fought the undead alongside the Sentinels. The combined forces battled their way free of the Scourge and rejoined Malfurion and the other night elves. Tyrande and Malfurion were overjoyed. Illidan had caused a great deal of destruction and suffering, but his help in saving warhammer online power leveling Tyrande made it impossible for Malfurion to return his brother to prison or sentence him to death. Hence, Malfurion chose to let Illidan go free, though he warned the demon never to threaten the night elves again.
Illidan opened a portal to Outland, and Maiev arrived just as Illidan departed. Tyrande tried to stop the angry warden, but it was no use. Without hesitation, Maiev and her ragged band of followers entered the portal as well.
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