
Maiev's Betrayal

Malfurion emerged from the forest with the dire news that Illidan and a group of naga were channeling a spell that was tearing Northrend apart. To his anguish, Maiev took him aside and explained that Tyrande had been killed while escorting the blood elves to safety. She added that Tyrande wouldn't have been in this dangerous situation in the first place if not for Illidan. The wow power leveling reminder filled Malfurion with fury, and he, Maiev, and the blood elves tracked down Illidan and put an end to his dangerous spell.

It was then that Malfurion learned two crucial facts. First, Illidan had been trying to defeat a shared enemy: the Lich King. Second, Maiev had lied. Tyrande was likely still alive and, if so, surely in desperate need of aid.

Illidan volunteered to find and rescue Tyrande. After some argument, Malfurion conceded that the naga would be far quicker to wow power level reach Tyrande, given the fact that she had been swept down the River Arevass. Then too, it was obvious that despite having become a demon, Illidan still loved Tyrande.
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