
Instanced Dungeons

To promote the idea of epic adventuring with friends, World of Warcraft also introduces a concept called the instanced dungeon. These instanced dungeons are entire dungeons that spawn specifically for each group of adventurers that enter them. Each time a group enters such an instance, a unique version of it spawns for that group only. This means no other players can play in that instance and bother the group, steal kills or world of warcraft gold treasure from the party, or otherwise hinder its play experience. With each group getting its own personal dungeon, players will have all the benefits of a single-player role-playing experience but with the camaraderie and fun of an online game.

Instances are meant to be challenging, but also to be fun and rewarding. There is especially good treasure in instances to entice players to explore their depths, and more powerful foes called elite monsters to keep the instances challenging. Instances are also more densely packed with monsters, and home to some of the game's most unique and powerful adversaries. These bosses drop valuable rewards that will make defeating them well worth the effort. The experience one gains by learning these instances is another reward in cheap wow gold itself. Running instances will help players learn how to play in a group, including how to fill their class roles and how to use teamwork and communication effectively in the context of the game. These lessons will be very valuable as players reach the end game and apply what they have learned.

The first available instances are for characters in the mid-teens in levels, and there are dozens more to accommodate all levels up to 70.
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