
Naming Policy of WoW

An Orc by any other name would smell as sweet... Well, there's just no way to make orcs smell good, so you might as well give yours a good name. One of the first adventures you will embark upon within World of Warcraft will be that of choosing a character name. While your subsequent exploits should prove infinitely more exhilarating, great care should be given to name selection. The first impression other players have of you will be based on your character's name, so it's best to start off on the right foot. While wow power leveling choosing the perfect name for your character is left to your discretion, we have determined that some types of names are not allowed in this game.

The Naming Policy is part of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use that governs your play on World of Warcraft. Below are guidelines to help you determine whether or not the name you have chosen is appropriate for your character, guild, arena team or pet. Hopefully, we have encompassed all manner of offensive names, however there may be inappropriate names that do not fit into any of these categories. The GM staff will only change a character's name if it is indeed found inappropriate; we will not change character names for any other reason. However, if you want to change a character’s name runescape gold that is not inappropriate, please use our paying Character Name Change service. We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis and in extreme cases, take action not detailed here. Please remember that World of Warcraft European servers will gather many players of different nationalities and languages. So please avoid any name that could offend a specific European nationality.

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