
Harassment Policy of WoW

Words are indeed tools, powerful tools. Throughout your travels in Azeroth, you will be using these tools to achieve your goals, whether those are finding the perfect group to help you with a quest or getting a great price on that dagger you've had your eye on. As anyone who has hit their thumb with a hammer well knows, tools buy wow gold can cause great pain when used incorrectly. Words are no different.

As stated in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, Blizzard reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. The cheap wow gold action we take may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category. One major factor in considering what action to take is to consider the number of people who are exposed to the language. We have broken this up into three categories.

1.Public We consider language to be public when said in the "General" and "Trade" channels as well as with the "yell" command world of warcraft gold and the “say” command. Since comments in these forums are visible to the largest number of players, we take harassment in these channels very seriously. Abuse of language in these mediums will receive at least the penalty listed below, if not additional repercussions in accordance with the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.

2.One to one or One to few This group includes private "whispers", player-created chat channels (protected by passwords). Though we enforce all rules in these forums, the number of people affected will be taken into consideration, and penalties may not be as harsh as stated below.

3.Guild chat Since your participation in guild chat is "at will," we take a much more lenient stance in these forums. Only the most severe harassment (i.e. Racial/Ethnic, Extreme Sexual/Violence, Real-life threats) will be considered.

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