
Harassment Policy of WoW

Words are indeed tools, powerful tools. Throughout your travels in Azeroth, you will be using these tools to achieve your goals, whether those are finding the perfect group to help you with a quest or getting a great price on that dagger you've had your eye on. As anyone who has hit their thumb with a hammer well knows, tools buy wow gold can cause great pain when used incorrectly. Words are no different.

As stated in the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, Blizzard reserves the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis. The cheap wow gold action we take may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category. One major factor in considering what action to take is to consider the number of people who are exposed to the language. We have broken this up into three categories.

1.Public We consider language to be public when said in the "General" and "Trade" channels as well as with the "yell" command world of warcraft gold and the “say” command. Since comments in these forums are visible to the largest number of players, we take harassment in these channels very seriously. Abuse of language in these mediums will receive at least the penalty listed below, if not additional repercussions in accordance with the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.

2.One to one or One to few This group includes private "whispers", player-created chat channels (protected by passwords). Though we enforce all rules in these forums, the number of people affected will be taken into consideration, and penalties may not be as harsh as stated below.

3.Guild chat Since your participation in guild chat is "at will," we take a much more lenient stance in these forums. Only the most severe harassment (i.e. Racial/Ethnic, Extreme Sexual/Violence, Real-life threats) will be considered.

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Naming Policy of WoW

An Orc by any other name would smell as sweet... Well, there's just no way to make orcs smell good, so you might as well give yours a good name. One of the first adventures you will embark upon within World of Warcraft will be that of choosing a character name. While your subsequent exploits should prove infinitely more exhilarating, great care should be given to name selection. The first impression other players have of you will be based on your character's name, so it's best to start off on the right foot. While wow power leveling choosing the perfect name for your character is left to your discretion, we have determined that some types of names are not allowed in this game.

The Naming Policy is part of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use that governs your play on World of Warcraft. Below are guidelines to help you determine whether or not the name you have chosen is appropriate for your character, guild, arena team or pet. Hopefully, we have encompassed all manner of offensive names, however there may be inappropriate names that do not fit into any of these categories. The GM staff will only change a character's name if it is indeed found inappropriate; we will not change character names for any other reason. However, if you want to change a character’s name runescape gold that is not inappropriate, please use our paying Character Name Change service. We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis and in extreme cases, take action not detailed here. Please remember that World of Warcraft European servers will gather many players of different nationalities and languages. So please avoid any name that could offend a specific European nationality.

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Rogue in WoW

Rogues are very good at dealing huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time in melee combat. As far as melee classes go, they top the DPS charts. Rogues have the ability to stealth which gives them a huge tactical advantage over their opponents. This gives rogues the chance to sneak up on low health targets and quickly finish them off or get a few hits in before the other player even realizes what's happening. Rogues are leather wearers and have low health points so their defense is their high dodge runescape gold chance which is increased with agility points. In combat, rogues like to stun-lock their opponent and keep them from attacking at all because the smallest hits can take a big chunk out of their HP. Rogues can also apply poisons to their blades that weaken the other player by making them walk slow, slows their casting times, or slowly damages them over time.

In leveling, rogues are one of the best. Rogues have no mana. Instead, they have energy which regenerates very quickly. This means it's possible for rogues to never have more than a few seconds of downtime after fights. You can level quickly and efficiently with little time for stopping. Bringing along bandages and food quickly get the rogue's low hp back to full health quickly. Many rogues have been using swords mainly for the purpose of leveling. This is because daggers require you to be behind the enemy in order to use the high damaging dagger skills. Rogues have to stun the mob and run behind it which takes a lot of time and energy. Using swords are good because rogues can repeatedly spam sinister strike and any other direct damage dealing abilities they may pick up through the talent trees, then finish it off with an eviscerate.

However, some rogues swear by daggers only and feel it is the true test of what a rogue is all about. For some, it’s all about stealthing, sneaking warhammer gold up on a target and blasting away half their health with a single sneak attack (which usually requires daggers). Rogues have several abilities which allow them to stun or incapacitate an enemy so they can help with crowd control.

In raids, rogues are used for 1 reason… to deal as much damage as possible. In some instances, their other job is to stun-lock or sap additional mobs to keep the party safe. Because of the rogue's great leveling speed and popularity, there is usually an overload of rogues and some may have to sit out. The rogue twink is one of the most popular twink classes. Most low level battlegrounds are overloaded with them.
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What do you know about Mage

The mage is ranged magic casting damage dealer. Mages deal massive amounts of damage by casting balls of fire, ice, and arcane. As far as casters go, mages can deal the highest DPS. Mages also carry a big punch with area of effect spells. They come with a few abilities that assist the rest of the party such as the ability to wow gold create food and water and make portals that will teleport players to cities for quicker travel.

Mages are great at crowd control because of their polymorph and frost nova spells. They also have slowing effects through all 3 areas of magic- fire, ice and arcane. The heavy damage that mages are able to produce can only be done if they have mana. Without mana, mages become useless. Because of this they are sometimes not as good during long battles like you will find during end game instances. Still, they can provide the raid with huge burst damage and definitely help to get the job done.

Mages are decent levelers, especially buy wow gold when you get past the first 20 levels. They are highly dependent on mana which means there's a lot of downtime between fights but they also kill extremely fast so it evens itself out. Some people use the Area of Effect technique to speed up leveling. This is done by agroing large groups of mobs and rounding them up into a pile, then spamming Area of Effect spells like Arcane Explosion. The mage will typically run out of mana and lose much of their health so they will need to eat and drink afterwards. There have been videos on the internet showing mages gaining levels very quickly in the level 50 ranges by using AoE techniques.

During end game instances they become useful for multiple reasons. On my server, they are known as waterboys because they give out the precious water to the rest of the casters. Mages also get the spells Detect Magic, Counterspell, and Remove Lesser Curse which make many end game battles much easier. They can also crowd control with sheeps.

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Starting a character or a play session

As with other MMORPGs, players control a character avatar within a game world in third person (with the option of playing in first person), exploring the landscape, fighting monsters, completing quests and interacting with NPCs or other players. In common with many other MMORPGs, World of Warcraft requires the player to pay for a subscription, either by buying game cards for a pre-selected amount of playing time, or by using a credit or debit card to pay on a regular basis.

To enter the game, the player must select a realm (or server). Each realm acts as an individual copy of the game world, and falls into one of four rule-set categories. Realms are either Player versus player (PvP) where open combat among players is more common, or Player versus environment (PvE) where the focus is more focused on defeating monsters and completing quests. Roleplay variants of each are warhammer gold also available. On a PvP or RP-PvP server a player may create characters belonging to only one faction, either Horde or Alliance, but not both. Realms are also categorized by language, with in-game support in the language available. Players can move established characters between realms for a fee. Then the player may either select one of their previously made characters or create a new one.

To create a new character, in keeping with the storyline in the previous games in the Warcraft series, players must choose between the opposing factions of Alliance or Horde. Characters from the opposing factions can perform rudimentary communication and trade, but only members of the same faction can speak, email, group, and share guilds. The player selects the new character's race (species), such as Orcs runescape money or Trolls for the Horde or Humans or Dwarves for the Alliance. Players must also select the class for the character, with choices such as mages, warriors and priests available. Some classes are limited to particular races.

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Security concerns

When a player creates a World of Warcraft account, they are asked to choose a username and password. Whenever the user then plays World of Warcraft, he is asked to supply the same username and password in full. This is also the case when using account management facilities online. This type of authentication is vulnerable to keystroke logging. While this is not unique to World of Warcraft and is common to many MMORPGs, the game has been directly targeted with trojans being specifically crafted to capture account login details. Attacks have been reported as early as May 2006, although they may extend as far back as July 30, 2005.

In September 2006, reports emerged of spoof World of Warcraft gaming advice websites that contained malware. Vulnerable computers would be infected through their web browser, downloading a program that would then relay back account information. Blizzard's account support teams experienced high demand during this episode, stating that many users had been affected. Claims were also made that telephone support was closed for isolated periods due to the volume of calls and resulting queues. In April 2007, attacks evolved to take advantage of further exploits involving animated cursors, with multiple wow gold websites being used. Security researcher group Symantec released a report stating that a compromised World of Warcraft account was worth US$10 on the black market, compared to US$6 to US$12 for a compromised computer (correct as of March 2007). In February 2008, phishing emails were distributed requesting that users validate their account information using a fake version of the World of Warcraft account management pages. In June 2008, Blizzard announced the Blizzard Authenticator, a hardware security token that provides two factor security. The token generates an one-time password based code that the player supplies when logging on. The password is only valid for a limited time, thus providing extra security against keylogging malware.

In the United Kingdom in February 2008, the Halifax Bank claimed that stolen credit card details were regularly being used to fraudulently pay for World of Warcraft accounts. A statement from the bank read that a "significant number of fraudulent transactions through Blizzard's gaming sites" had been observed. As a result, the Bank has stated that transactions with Blizzard will be blocked by default, requesting that customers contact them directly to authorise payments.

Blizzard makes use of a system known as Warden on the Windows version of the game in order to detect third-party programs, such as botting software, allowing World of Warcraft to be played unattended. There has been some controversy as to the legality of Warden. Warden uses techniques similar to anti-virus software in order to analyse other running software on the players' PCs, as well as the file system. However, unlike most anti-virus software, it sends a portion of this information back to Blizzard, which caused privacy advocates to accuse it of being spyware. One example of the information Warden collects is the title of every window open on the system while WoW is running. Blizzard has not stated what information is passed by Warden over the Internet, or if that information is encrypted, so it is entirely possible this information is passed over the Internet back to Blizzard. On balance, many gamers responded positively about the development, stating that they supported the technology if it resulted in fewer cases of cheating. Blizzard's use of Warden was stated in the Terms of Agreement (TOA).

The Warden's existence was acknowledged in March 2008, during the opening legal proceedings against MDY Industries. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Arizona, and also listed Michael Donnelly as a defendant. Donnelly was included buy wow gold in the suit as the creator of MMO Glider, software that can automatically play many tasks in the game. Blizzard claimed the software is an infringement of its copyright and software license agreement, stating that "Glider use severely harms the WoW gaming experience for other players by altering the balance of play, disrupting the social and immersive aspects of the game, and undermining the in-game economy". Donnelly claims to have sold 100,000 copies of the $25 software.

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Stealing the Light

Not long ago, in Outland...

Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his blood elves waited until the newly arrived naaru departed Tempest Keep. He had little interest in what the naaru hoped to accomplish on this shattered world: it was Tempest Keep that had brought him here. At the prince's signal the elves stormed the dimensional fortress, quickly defeating its automated defenses and claiming its satellite structures. The only real threat the elves discovered was a lone naaru who had stayed behind to maintain the keep's defenses. With some warhammer gold difficulty, Kael'thas subdued the energy being and sent it to Quel'Thalas so that the magic-addicted blood elves could feed upon it.

Back in the capital city of Silvermoon, Magister Astalor Bloodsworn was not content with this idea. After long months of study and experimentation, he and his fellow wizards learned how to manipulate and corrupt the naaru's luminous energies. In the end the wizards devised a process by which the powers of the Light could be transferred to recipients who had not earned such abilities. Instead of feeding upon the naaru's magic, the blood elves would wield the naaru's Light-given powers themselves.

Lady Liadrin, formerly a priestess, had recently renounced her vows, for she felt the Light had abandoned her people. She learned of the wizards' achievement and volunteered to be the first to bend the stolen powers to her will. With her decision a new order was born: the Blood Knights. These renegade paladins are able to harness the sacred powers of the Alliance's noblest heroes.

Most members of the Blood Knights were once part of the Royal Guard – proud defenders of high elven society who came to believe that the Light had failed them in their hour of greatest need. They see their appropriation of the runescape money captive naaru's powers as well-deserved justice.

Although Warchief Thrall and High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof openly opposed the blood elves' methods, they recognized the Blood Knights' strategic value. Indeed, it is likely that the group figured heavily in the Horde's ultimate decision to offer membership to the blood elves.

Blood elf paladins have swiftly grown confident in their borrowed abilities. Nevertheless, as even the most inexperienced mage will attest, when powerful forces are manipulated against their intended purpose...

The consequences can be perilous.

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The Murlocs

Murloc origins are shrouded in mystery. This is due not only to the fact that these creatures appeared on Azeroth's shores fairly recently (as far as world history goes, anyway) but also because murlocs shun mortals and rarely, if ever, speak anything but their own garbled language.

What's been known up until now about the fish-men is the following: they are not the most intelligent creatures. They congregate on shorelines wow gold in tribes and villages. They have been known, in certain instances to worship enigmatic sea-deities (sometimes including naga). And they seem to care little for the mortal races.

However, recent accounts by select individuals who managed to gather information— either by spying, torturing or surreptitiously gaining the murlocs' trust, have brought some interesting details to light…

First, murlocs may not be as dumb as everyone thinks they are. Several clues point to the fact that their steady infiltration of the world's land masses may be a coordinated effort. Whether or not this enterprise has been undertaken strictly of their own accord is not yet known.

Also, the murloc race may be far older than most believe. Several accounts and clues seem to substantiate this. In fact, it is now believed that murlocs (or, more appropriately, their ancestors) may even pre-date trolls. Of course these ancient murlocs lived in the oceans' depths and therefore were never known to the world's early land-dwelling races.

In the last few years, the vile naga have begun reemerging from their watery abodes, causing historians to speculate that their migration buy wow gold may have triggered the murlocs' slow encroachment onto land. Some also guessed that the murlocs might be working in concert with the sinister amphibians.

But perhaps the most startling revelation to come from recent intelligence-gathering efforts was this: the naga may not be the only nightmarish horrors lurking in the seemingly bottomless oceans of the world.

Several indicators from the murlocs themselves point to the possibility that the fish-men are but worshippers or underlings of perhaps several deep-sea monstrosities that currently lie sleeping, or at least waiting, in the murky fathoms – and even more disturbing, that the murlocs' emergence is an indication of their incipient awakening.

If that is the case, the mysterious and somewhat underestimated murlocs may be the world's first glimpse at something far more terrifying.

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Adventuring in the world of WoW

After you create your character, you will enter the world in your race's starting area. All the races except trolls and gnomes begin in a unique location. Those two races have to share starting locales with the orcs and dwarves, respectively. After watching a brief in-game cutscene introducing your race, you are set loose upon the world.

It won't be long before you encounter your first monster in your travels. World of Warcraft is home to a huge array of creatures of all shapes, sizes, and of varying threat levels to your character's well-being. These creatures wow gold can be found everywhere, from roaming the countryside, residing in their own camps, or populating vast dungeons. There are wandering beasts, which will range from forest creatures such as bears, spiders, and wolves, to more exotic creatures such as giant phosphorescent moths and six-legged crocodiles called crocolisks.

You'll soon encounter more intelligent, dangerous enemies as well. Humanoid foes of every kind, such as murlocs, gnolls, and furbolgs, join more unnatural monsters like undead, oozes, and elementals. And, should you dare, you'll find more spectacular enemies like demons, infernals, dragonspawn, and mighty dragons stalking the dungeons and high-level areas of the world.

While you're exploring the lands of Azeroth and Kalimdor, you'll be treated to a multitude of different regions, each with its own visual style. Vast, varied, and beautiful, many of the regions were recreated from their appearances in prior Warcraft games, while others introduce heretofore uncharted lands in the Warcraft universe. This variety and detail can be seen in the lush forests in Ashenvale and Feralas, the snowy mountains in Dun Morogh, the savannah of the Barrens, the plains of Mulgore, and the deserts of Tanaris. Swamps in Un'Goro Crater, jungles in Stranglethorn Vale, farmland in Elwynn Forest, and even deforested hills in Stonetalon Mountains are even more of the many regions you can explore. Terrain that has been vastly altered by magic and the ravages of war also appear in the game. The razed city of Dalaran, encased in a protective magic shell, is a painful reminder of the devastation of the Reign of Chaos, while the infested Eastern and Western Plaguelands are filled with diseased animals and plantlife, courtesy of the Scourge's plague.

This long list of landscapes doesn't even include the underground environments and dungeons of the world. There are dungeons available for all ranges of mid- to high-level players, and they offer many rich quests, fearsome foes, and powerful rewards.

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A Familiar World

As a massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft enables thousands of players to come together online and battle against the world and each other. Players from across the globe can leave the real world behind and undertake grand quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure.

World of Warcraft draws heavily upon the lore of the Warcraft universe. Long-time fans of the Warcraft games are finally able to step into the world from a player's perspective, and experience the universe firsthand. People, places, and units from the wow gold strategy games are brought to life in World of Warcraft.

You can visit such places as the Burning Steppes, where Grom Hellscream fell in battle against the demon lord Mannoroth, and Ironforge, where the dwarves make their home below the mountain. Legendary heroes, such as Thrall, Cairne Bloodhoof, and King Magni Bronzebeard, are also in the game, presiding over their respective peoples as leaders in their race's capitals.

Guards in the human city of Stormwind look just like footmen from Warcraft III, peasants in the human town of Hillsbrad look exactly like their counterparts in the strategy games, and orc peons shuffle about the farms of Go'Shek in the Arathi Highlands. Night elf players can even see gargantuan Ancient Protectors patrolling the elven lands of Teldrassil, while a towering Ancient of War waits to greet all visitors to Darnassus.

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